Year: 2012
Author(s): Álvaro Limber Chirino Gutiérrez
This document “Estimation of Child Malnutrition Indicators at Micro Levels, Bolivian Case” shows that one of the main limitations in dealing with child malnutrition is the lack of information necessary to target resources appropriately. It should be borne in mind that the only source of information to know this information in Bolivia is through the National Survey of Demography and Health (ENDSA), which achieves, at best, representative estimates at a departmental, urban-rural level. This article uses the small-area estimation technique of Elbers, Lanjouw, and Lanjouw, 2002, 2003, which combines survey information with census data at the individual level, in order to obtain estimates at lower levels of aggregation of what allows the survey. ENDSA version 4 is used, in conjunction with information from the 2001 National Population and Housing Census, with the vision of providing useful information at the municipal level.