Rigorous research that reflects the specific needs of countries and generates correct evidence is central to the dynamics of debate to inform and influence national policies.
The rigorous or quality research that the Aru Foundation develops is framed in Bolivian agendas. These try to respond to the structural problems of the country, providing a flow of evidence that informs the key actors that make up society, on issues of poverty and inequality and the labor market. They are within structural agendas that intend to be fed by agendas in education, use of time, democracy and gender. In addition to new agendas that consider joint work between low-income countries such as African countries and others with similar realities and comparable capacities, already started with peer countries in Latin America on the issue of multidimensional poverty.
These agendas are driven mainly by the joint work between the Research Unit and the Data Unit, positioning itself as a reference at the national level in data collection and the design of evaluation of public policies, intangible capital erected by its extensive and rigorous performance. research where impact evaluations of the main public programs within social policy during the last decade are highlighted.

Research agendas and strategies
The objectives and activities carried out are framed within themes of the social area, among which are:
- Poverty and inequality
- Working market
- Human capital (education and health)
- Gender
- Welfare
- Childhood and adolescence
- Trafficking and smuggling
- Migration
The research agendas of the Aru Foundation can be grouped into four blocks:
- Development agenda: It is focused on monitoring and generating evidence on poverty, inequality, labor market, human capital, well-being. This agenda has been developed with the support of: Oxfam in Bolivia, COSUDE.
- Protection Agenda: Covers issues related to childhood and adolescence, gender, nutrition, human trafficking, violence, migration, among others. This agenda has been developed with the support of: Unicef, IOM, Swisscontact .
- Rural development agenda: This agenda discusses issues such as women’s empowerment, productivity estimation and rural labor. This agenda has been developed with the support of Swisscontact.
- Agenda political economy and Think Tanks : This agenda analyzes the role and impact of Think tanks research centers Tank in society and public policies. This agenda has been developed with the support of: INGSA.