Miguel Vera Laguna
Senior researcher
Member of the Instituting Assembly and Board of Directors
Work and research experience in Bolivia, Guatemala, Equatorial Guinea, Nicaragua and Peru on issues related to the design, monitoring and evaluation of development policies, programs and projects. He worked for the Bank of Central African States – BEAC, the Ministry of Development Planning – Bolivia, the Municipal Government of La Paz, the Inter-American Institute for Social Development (INDES) – Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the Unit for Analysis of Economic and Social Policies (UDAPE) and the National Secretariat of Education. Master in Economics from Georgetown University. Degree in Economics from the Bolivian Catholic University. specializing in Economics of Education, Economic Development and Labor Economics.
Areas of interest:
Economics of education, economic development and labor economics.
Documentos de Trabajo
2018 “Estudio Migración y Cambio Climático: múltiples vías para una relación esquiva en el Altiplano boliviano”
2018 “Estudio econométrico de beneficios para el ciudadano y costos ahorrados al Estado por efecto de la aplicación de la Conciliación en Sede Judicial”
2019 South-South Cooperation, an opportunity to fight against Climate Change and Reduce Inequalities
2019 ¿Cuál es el rol de los centros de investigación?
2019 ¿Cómo se logra la conexión entre investigación y políticas públicas?